January 2023 registration for the two day course: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/january-2023-women-teens-self-defense-two-day-course-register-registration-435896266467
An additional August 2022 session has opened up. Click here to register! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/womens-teens-6-hour-self-defense-session-registration-305877446677
Registration is open for October 1, 2022! Get your spot today! https://www.eventbrite.com/e/october-2022-womens-teens-6-hour-self-defense-session-registration-358923268157
Choose your week and register for radKIDS Summer Safety Camp! These are paid spots for class and open to new and returning radKIDS students. We hope to see you in…
Hello radKIDS families! I am very excited for radKIDS safety camp this summer and we hope you are also. This email is to serve as a SAVE THE DATE announcement…